Best CBD for the Active Elderly

Best CBD for the Active Elderly

Apr 14th 2022

Seniors today are more than ever living full and active lives. Some still travel worldwide, and some active elderly are weekly playing sports like golf and bowling. Seniors are hiking, biking, dancing, swimming, and working out daily across the globe.

Inevitably, however, the golden years turn into darker times in the form of aches and pains and sometimes even physical and mental degeneration. Some seniors need just a bit of extra care and relief. More than ever, people over 65 are experimenting with supplements and treatments like CBD (cannabidiol) to maintain their youth and treat those awful symptoms.

What is CBD?

In short, CBD is just one of the hundreds of compounds found in the naturally occurring plant marijuana, also known as the cannabis or hemp plant. CBD alone doesn't contain THC, that psychoactive ingredient responsible for the "euphoric high ." CBD comes in many different forms, and its types vary. Oils and tinctures, and gummies, are the most popular.

Related: Why Hemp?

Quality and spectrums differ from one company to company. However, these types of products made from CBD have shown positive results as a supportive treatment for many incurable illnesses, diseases, and disorders. Even treating signs of chronic depression and daily stress.

Different Types of CBD Treatments

CBD comes in many forms, including:

  • Topicals, like creams, ointments, balms, and transdermal patches.
  • Pills and other capsules
  • Edibles, like baked goods and gummies.
  • Oils and Tinctures

There are a few different types of CBD:

  • Full Spectrum: Includes all the beneficial parts of the cannabis plant, although it usually contains 0.3 percent or less of the psychoactive compound THC.
  • Isolates: Isolates only have the compound CBD which is derived from hemp, with absolutely no THC.
  • Broad-spectrum: This oil contains most of the cannabis plant compounds similar to full-spectrum. More than isolates, but often less than full-spectrum with only trace amounts of THC.

For top-quality CBD oil, Bordertown Farm has a wide variety to choose from. Shop now.

Related: Organic Hemp Grown on the Family Farm

Exercise and CBD: Risks and Benefits

Ultimately, CBD has more possible benefits than overall risks. Exercising can cause aches and pains for anyone, especially over the age of 50. CBD might be the answer to boosting recovery and even giving you the momentum to excel through a pre-workout.


CBD benefits the recovery process by speeding it up. So if workout fatigue or injury occurs, CBD can help, and CBD has proven to show extraordinary healing abilities when it comes to pain.

Furthermore, it can also provide balance to the body's natural systems. Inflammation is a huge issue when working out, and CBD also reduces this swelling around the injured areas. The fewer prescription and OTC NSAIDs and painkillers we take after a workout, the better.

CBD could be the boost you need to start becoming active again and going on to live a fulfilling, long life.

Risks and Side Effects

There are few known side effects associated with CBD use. Occasionally it will cause temporary symptoms, including dry mouth, dizziness, or fatigue.

Health professionals should always caution you when taking anything new, especially if it is not yet well-regulated and still being studied. However, CBD as a treatment option has been around since 2737 B.C.

There is always a small risk of a CBD product not being legal in your country. However, CBD alone is permitted in the U.S.


Always take caution when taking medicines and supplements with grapefruit and other citrus juices. Grapefruit is a delicious start to any day and can be part of your healthy senior diet; however, it can affect how medicines work and break down inside the body. Furthermore, grapefruit and citrus juices can make things more potent or process medications through the bloodstream faster than usual.

Related: Lab Results

Start Dosing Slow

Always start low and slow. For instance, the Arthritis Foundation recommends starting slow with just a few milligrams of a sublingual form of CBD twice per day. Then increase that dose as needed until you reach the perfect amount of pain relief.

If you take CBD-only products like Isolates, it is okay to start at a beginning dose of around 25 milligrams and then work up from there since they prove to be less potent and effective for pain relief.

Can CBD Replace other Treatments?

No, although that would be great! CBD isn't meant to replace other treatments but, in fact, work in tandem with them. CBD stimulates healing and promotes balance and can be mixed in with your regular health regimens.

Prescription medicines and physical therapy are proven methods in body health. An individual of any age should always consult a health professional before using CBD to treat a health condition or other symptoms.

Research continues on this matter, and we are just starting to find all the healing potentials of this oil and of the cannabis plant itself. CBD is safe and a great complement to physical therapy and doctor treatments.

Best CBD for Elderly Final Thoughts

Physical activity is essential to healthy aging, and endurance exercises can improve your breathing and heart rate.

Seniors aged 60 or older should get at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise every week. About 30 minutes a day. Brisk walking, jogging, dancing, and biking are great if the person is able.

Weight lifting and light stretching is also a great form of exercise for the elderly who wish to keep active—especially those with limited mobility or those suffering from illnesses.

Relieve those aches and pains associated with exercise by taking a pre-workout dose of CBD and one after. CBD is used now by many to help ease pain and discomfort associated with common elderly ailments. CBD mixed in with proper treatment and therapy can decrease joint pain and relieve the stress on the body and mind.